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iCollaboratory Fall Projects

iCollaboratory Fall Projects

от Bonnie Thurber -
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Hello Friends,

I know that most of you have started school! I hope your days continue to be very successful!  The iCollaboratory Team is also working on a number of fun standards-aligned projects this fall! This Fall the iCollaboratory will be supporting 

The Moon Over Us with students from the USA, China, Brazil and Spain is a study of Moon phases that started September 4 and ends October 11. Ages 10-16.  Watch for a special report about the moon.

Rebecca Caudill Internet Book Club, September 4 - February 28 (flexible dates), contains a list of 20 books for grades 5-9. Students take a survey about their reading, select a book from the list, read, write a review, and comment on the reviews of others. Students who read 4-6 books will vote for their favorite book at the end of the project, February 28. The book list is from the Rebecca Caudill book list but, our project is not the official book project sponsored by ILS. At the end of the project students will take a survey and write a reflection. 

Every Soul a Star Internet Book Discussion, September 4 - April 28 (flexible dates), is a special book discussion that follows the theme of the Moon Over Us project for students in grades 5-9 who read English. Any class may join, read and discuss the book. Students very interested in the topics are welcome to join our Solar Eclipse project May 1 - 28.  At the end of the project students will take a survey and write a reflection. 

Scariest Stories and Fall Poetry, October 1 - November 1. Students grades K-12 take a survey and review the data, share web links about their communities in the fall, write scary stories or fall poetry, and comment on each others work.  At the end of the project students will take a survey and write a reflection. 

What I am Most Thankful For,  November 1 - December 8. Students in grades K-12 take a survey about holiday activities and foods and analyze the data. After finishing the survey, they write an essay about what they are most thankful for and post it in the iCollaboratory to share with other students.  At the end of the project students will take a survey and write a reflection. 

Songs My Family Sang to Me When I Was Young  September 4 - May 28 (flexible dates, six weeksduration). Students grades K-12 listen to songs they heard before they started school. They select a song they remember from their preschool days and study the history of that song. They write the lyrics, create images or a video about the song and post the information on a web page for others to view and share.  At the end of the project students will take a survey and write a reflection. 

For more specifics and information, please look on the website,, or contact the

Thank you,
Bonnie Thurber
iCollaboratory Team